Friday, March 26

What I don't understand is

How can people manage to be so childish? Or how can people gather thoughts together & have intentionally have negative output. I just don't understand most people.

As a sophomore, it's almost a given that I am to be nice and set examples for those younger than I. Haha! Tell me why: I became friends with a freshman who turned her back on me. So now her & a group of freshman want to come after me & fight. FIST FIGHT.

One: I'm too classy. Two: I'm too pretty =P. & Three: what's fighting going to solve. Okay, we get rowdy in the hallway (or wherever the scene shall take place), we yell & cuss at each other for a minute, someone throws a punch, security comes & escorts us to the office, they call our mama's, we get suspended for about a week, then we come back to school. What are we supposed to do after that? Hate each other for the rest of high school? I think not.

Usually, I'm not the one to be bothered with these types of things. I usually brush them off my shoulder. I'm not giving out any names, but technically it is my fault for saying what I said. Even if I was joking. Let's just say, I said something about Monica* to Amber*. Amber & I went at it for 3 days about Monica. At the end: Monica ended up being another Monica (they have the same name, so I was talking about someone COMPLETELY different.). So now, Amber, Monica A., & Monica B. hate me & now want to fight. Sounds confusing right? Catch this: what I said just so happens to apply to both of them. HA. Who would've thought. Little 'ol me. I don't mess with anybody. I'm not one to get mad, I'm not one to curse & I'm sho' 'nuff not one to fight. I have better things to devote my time to.

So now, I'm stuck. I guess I'll ignore them for the rest of high school. (Hardy, har, aren't I funny. That's definitely NOT happening.) I know one of them is going to try to start something. But I'm over it, I've washed my hands with Person A. Some people just don't understand, & when they look back at it, they'll realize how imature it is to get worked up over something so unworth it. All because lil' 'ol Raven had a misunderstanding.

Haha, so funny. But Mommy says I let people push my buttons. Mrs. Tony said to me "He who angers you controls you." & this is a conversation I had with a boy named Dion*

Dion: (after I told him the story.) You letting her push your buttons.
Me: I know & she knows exactly what buttons to push.
Dion: Then don't have buttons.

That cut me like a two hand sword. It hit me SO deep. & I've been repeating it to myself all day. Because it's true, those buttons are mine. & I shouldn't let Amber &/or the Monica's get to me. Oh well. Lesson surely learned. Mama say to keep yo' mouth shut. This is what I get for not listening.

Mane, I need a twix. :P

* names have been changed.


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